At MedTrials we know that engaging the right people and the right processes are essential to providing exceptional service. Whether you are looking for global project management or discrete functional services and support, we employ highly-trained clinical research professionals and deploy time-tested procedures to ensure you receive the right solutions for each study from start-up to close-out.

To achieve the highest quality data, we understand that our clinical staff must have an appreciation for the science and be resourceful mentors in the field. The best monitors possess study and regulatory expertise, as well as excellent people and communication skills. We call this process Aligning the Art & Science of Clinical Research®, and not only does this reflect our basic philosophy, but it is incorporated into our culture from onboarding through management development.

Services include:
  • Project Management
  • Clinical Monitoring
  • Feasibility Reports
  • Investigational Site Operational Assessment
  • IRB Selection
  • Investigator Meeting Management
  • Subject Recruitment Planning
  • Site Performance Coaching
  • TMF Management
  • Contracts And Grant Management
  • Vendor Management

Question about MedTrials services?

A MedTrials clinical trial expert is ready to work with you.