MedTrials is focused on providing statistical support through efficient study design, statistical methods development and a thorough understanding of the analytical complexities which is critical to effectively interpret the study outcomes. MedTrials provides comprehensive data analysis and reporting suitable for your regulatory submissions, presentations, and publications.

MedTrials biostatisticians are industry experienced and have a strong knowledge of the industry in a wide variety of therapeutic disciplines. Our diversity of experience, based on sound statistical theory and current scientific knowledge, leads to a clear and accurate picture of your product’s unique characteristics. Careful biometric planning and execution promotes impartial yet compelling evidence-based solutions from valid, reliable, and well-represented data.

Services include:
  • Protocol design and development
  • Sample size estimation and power calculations
  • Randomization
  • Statistical analysis plan (SAP) development
  • Integrated summaries of safety and efficacy data
  • Generation and QC of randomization schedule
  • CDISC compliance and deliverables (SDTM, ADaM, Define files)
  • Interim and final data analysis
  • Statistical consulting
  • Statistical report writing
  • Topline analysis
  • Statistical SAS programming of tables, listings, and figures/graphs
  • Statistical support for preparation of abstracts, manuscripts, and presentations
  • Meta-analysis, data mining, and exploratory analysis
  • Data Monitoring Committee (DMC)/Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB) participation

Data Management

Through comprehensive data management solutions, MedTrials partners with you to ensure that the information generated from your data is valid, reliable, complete, and accurately reported.

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MedTrials careful biometric planning and execution promoted evidence-based solutions from valid, reliable and well-represented data.

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Safety reporting is a critical component of clinical trial management. A partnership with MedTrials offers a full range of safety support services.

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Medical Writing

MedTrials offers well structured and detailed writing services ranging from individual documents to extensive medical writing programs.

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A MedTrials clinical trial expert is ready to work with you.